Almond Flour Pumpkin Muffins

So I used almond flour again. I’m a bit undecided and a little disappointed.

A few weeks ago, I got a pie pumpkin in my CSA, and I had no idea what I was going to do with it. A homemade pie seemed too difficult for my skill set so I began searching for a muffin or bread recipe. This gluten free pumpkin muffin recipe looked delicious and called for almond flour, an added bonus in my eyes. I’d been dying to use it again after my sunken banana bread fiasco. This time I followed the recipe exactly instead of substituting almond flour and crossing my fingers that it turned out good. The muffins were delicious, but I’m sad to say that they were dense and too moist. Don’t blame it on the recipe. It has to be me.

So that’s my story of almond flour pumpkin muffins. I’ll continue to be the girl that’s on the fence about almond flour. Try to convince me otherwise if you can.

FoodBarbara CannonComment