Baby Knits: Elliot's First Sweater


I’m a selfish knitter.

I have only made a few knits for other people. Why? My only guess is that I’m a slow knitter and spend a lot of time finishing a project so it might as well be for me. Am I right?

Since we moved, knitting has come to the forefront while weaving and knitting have taken a backseat for a little bit. Knitting is my relaxation time – a place to go when the day is almost done. I’ve learned recently that taking on smaller knits is much more satisfying than the time consuming and stressful sweaters I knitted for years.

I discovered baby knits and I’m obsessed.

Baby knits are so satisfying...they need a small amount of yarn, and I can learn difficult techniques on a smaller scale without ruining an entire project. I’ve always yearned to be that mom that makes her kids clothes (oh, how I’d love to learn how to sew!). I totally envy those moms who can churn out a few pieces here and there to add and enhance a child’s ever evolving wardrobe. Those items end up being handed down from child to child as keepsakes. They are so special.

My first baby knit was a sweater for my son Elliot. I had a little extra yarn hanging around and thought why not? I have a million kid projects in my Ravelry que so I chose the Little Woolens Bracken pattern, which also happens to be my first top down sweater. I’m not sure I’ll ever go back.

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